Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm on Etsy! (Again)

For anyone who's ever wanted an original Pics of Peps (picture of Peppermint) I'm now selling my drawings on Etsy under the store PicsofPeps (Etsy has this weird policy where you can't link to their site directly). These are not part of the yearlong Pics of Peps project, but instead stuff that's been created since it ended last December. Such as:

Dark and Red Peps
Cool and Purple Peps
Pink Peps

So if you've ever pined for Peppermint to hang in your house now that dream can be a reality!
"More is never a bad word."

Friday, August 17, 2012



It's not a picture of Peppermint but if you just happen to have been tirelessly waiting for the adventures of an art-loving, one-toothed, 1,000 year old vampire who’s obsessed with John Singer Sargent’s painting the Daughters of Edward Boit to come out, my first novel, Sfumato, was just published as a multi-format ebook by Smashwords!!!

For anyone game, it’s free to download. Would Love to hear what you think!